Why Social Enterprise?

Social enterprises are community-based businesses that sell goods or services in the market place to achieve a social, cultural and/or environmental purpose; they reinvest their profits to maximize their social mission.

Social enterprises are a key model for doing community economic development, a framework that values economic, social, and environmental outcomes and a diversity of enterprises and organizations that support local asset building and community ownership.

Some of the possible community outcomes generated by social enterprises include: the creation of jobs for people facing barriers to employment, reduced poverty, environmental sustainability, reduced crime, improved health outcomes, and more inclusive, strong and sustainable local economies.

Read more about why social enterprises work here.

Public Policy

Social enterprises are strong performers - achieving multiple social, economic, and environmental outcomes. Governments can play an important role in strengthening social enterprise ecosystem development, frameworks, and supports.

Social enterprises, supporters, and Social Enterprise Manitoba are leading public policy advocacy to encourage government to further utilize social enterprise and implement policy to support development of the sector. 

Learn more and get involved with public policy advocacy at the provincial and municipal level here in Manitoba.

The Role of Government

Given the strong performance of social enterprises to achieve multiple beneficial outcomes, government ought to take notice. In fact, government can play an important role in strengthening social enterprise ecosystem development, frameworks, and supports.

Increased government support would help Manitoba’s social enterprise sector scale up its contribution to stronger local economies, ending poverty, and healthier and more sustainable communities.

Read more about what governments can do: Six Pillars of Social Enterprise Ecosystem Development.

Provincial Advocacy

Social enterprises, supporters, and Social Enterprise Manitoba are leading public policy advocacy to encourage government to further utilize social enterprise and implement policy to support development of the sector. 

The Province of Manitoba has historically and presently supported the social enterprise sector. Public policy advocacy at the provincial level is focused on the following areas to build on this support:

Municipal Advocacy

Manitoba municipalities, including the City of Winnipeg, can play an important role in strengthening the social enterprise sector. Public policy advocacy at the municipal level is focused on the following areas:

  • Encouraging a CED lens to policies and programs, utilizing the same principles as a provincial framework.

  • Social Procurement and supporting Community Benefits Agreements

Learn More & Get Involved

Policy advocacy for social enterprise is the result of a democratic decision-making process through the annual CCEDNet Manitoba Policy Summit, creating a solutions-focused set of public policy resolutions and our Public Policy Road Map.

Contact Michael Barkman, CCEDNet Manitoba Network Manager, to learn more about how you can contribute to policy advocacy for social enterprise.

We are a hub for social enterprise in Manitoba.

Social Enterprise Manitoba is an initiative of the Canadian Community Economic Development Network. It is a hub for social enterprise activity in Manitoba, providing resources, workshop information, news, and other events or opportunities to support social enterprise practitioners, developers and stakeholders. It is also an active advocate for policy work that supports a strong ecosystem within our social economy.


About the Canadian Community Economic Development Network

Find out about CCEDNet’s mission, members, and the
results of our decades of advocacy.

Contact us.

For policy and advocacy work:

Michael Barkman
Manitoba Public Policy Coordinator
(204) 943-0547 ext 203

For social enterprise development support:

Social Enterprise development support is now being provided by CCEDNet Manitoba’s Spark service. Visit sparkwpg.ca/socialenterprise

Our office:

Social Enterprise Manitoba
202-765 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3N5

Our office is located on Treaty One territory, on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dené Peoples, and the Homeland of the Métis Nation.